Promotions Module

Promotions Module

Powerful, intuitive customer management that gives you full control of your customer data and customer communications

Best eCommerce Promotions and Campaigns Module

When your product catalogue and content are in excellent shape, you can concentrate on the process of marketing and advertising your website to encourage those crucial conversions. A class-leading promotions engine, conditional components for content personalisation, email marketing, a built-in loyalty programme, special gifting capabilities, and improved subscriptions capabilities are just a few of the many tools available through Remarkable Commerce. All of these tools are native to the platform. This makes it feasible for you to draw in, hold their attention, convert them into customers, and re-engage them, resulting in a rise in average order values and the best ROI for your website possible across all channels.

Remarkable’s flexible rules-based ecommerce promotions engine provides you with an advanced out-of-the-box tool set to help you convert and re-engage more customers, driving more revenue. The highly configurable, rules-based offers engine is capable of handling even the most complex promotions empowering ecommerce teams to drive promotional & personalisation strategies forward.

What Is a Promotions Engine?

A promotions engine is a module used in business that allows retailers to offer customers customised deals based on their individual preferences.

Inconsistent pricing and impersonal offers are less appealing to today's consumers. Retailers must adjust their pricing approach for each customer interaction in order to increase client loyalty and increase sales.

Promotion engines help merchants enhance the customer experience by offering the right offer at the right moment by utilising valuable data about items and consumer behaviour. Price and promotions are the two main factors the technology uses to customise each customer's experience while maximising results.

Remarkable offer a strong promotion engine/module, which comes equipped with both pricing and promotions features to fine-tune the offers presented to different users based on their buying intent.

You can run promotions on a specific segment of products by defining either an inclusion or exclusion list. Discounts can be applied as a percentage or nominal amount and you can create different tiers based on cart value or quantity of products.

Remarkable provides a high level of control over your campaigns by allowing you to limit promotion usage based on user segment, individual use, and site-wide value.

What Is a Promotions Engine?

Every promotion type you can imagine, is available out of the box

% off an order, % off a product, % off delivery, £ off an order, £ off a product(s), Fixed price product, Fixed price delivery, Fixed reward point credit, Free shipping, Free product(s), Get cheapest free, Promotional bundles (e.g. buy 2 get 1 free, 3 for £10, buy 1 get 1 half price), Product bundles (pre-configured kits at a discounted price), Coupons, Buy X get Y free, Free gift/sample, Tiered spend and save discounts

Key Question: PIM within ERP or Platform

Rule-Based Promotions Engine Functionality

Create and assign discount codes in bulk

Gain the ability to manage discounts codes in bulk and individually. With Remarkable Commerce, you can create a large set of discount codes to use with 3rd-party marketing solutions, and assign multiple codes to a single promotion/campaign with just 2 clicks.

Modern Headless Technology

Remarkable Commerce's open APIs and data inflow and outflow make it easy to integrate into existing technology. With enterprise-level flexibility, you can integrate Remarkable into your current technology.

Microservices-Based Architecture

With a composable commerce approach, our OMS is a microservice with the platform. Meaning workflows can be streamlined with your current business processes to get what you need.

Stack Promotion, with ranking

When multiple promotions are running, conflicting settings can sometimes trigger incorrect behaviour. Therefore use the ability for ranking a promotion to be higher/lower than others - to ensure a customer can discount appropriately.

Trigger promotions on behaviour

Configure a promotion to trigger if set behaviour occurs, such as particular items being added to basket, or a particular amount of items being added to basket.

Manage content slots

Promoting your promotions and campaigns is critical to the success of them - therefore you can use content slots around the site (including on PDP templates), to push promotion messages, targeting only particular pages based on attributes or campaign settings.

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