eMail Marketing

eMail Marketing

Keep your customers engaged while promoting your products or services with email marketing

Email is a powerful form of marketing that can play a central role in your strategy by allowing you to build customer relationships, brand awareness and engagement between purchases or actions taken on your site. Whether your site is eCommerce or lead generation, you can send engaging email communications to your customers and make them aware of your latest products, services or projects.

As well as getting your site integrated with an email service provider, our marketing team can help you create campaigns that users will open and engage with. We will then measure engagement metrics such as click through and open rate that indicate where email elements can be optimised for the best performance.

Choosing the right email service provider is key to generating the best return on investment, which is why we will go over those available and if they will be appropriate for your mailing list size and how often you want to send emails to subscribers.

Popular email service providers that we can help you integrate with include:

Mailchimp Logo
Emarsys Logo
Ometria Logo
Dotdigital Logo

There are many different ways you can communicate with your subscribers through email. Once integrated with an email service provider, you run multiple campaigns that engage subscribers differently.

Types of email campaigns include:

Welcome emails that are sent when a user signs up to the site’s mailing list. This can also be for users to confirm a subscription and get added to the mailing list.
Email newsletters that notify subscribers of new products, services, projects and more that is happening within the business. These ongoing communications should be in a simple format so subscribers can easily navigate and read content such as articles.
Lead nurturing emails that introduce a tightly connected series of useful targeted content. This campaign type can guide small groups of users through the marketing funnel up to the point of purchase with messaging such as “We noticed you are interested in x type of content” then offering more content they are likely to engage with.
Product update emails that could be a weekly digest of new products or offerings that subscribers are likely to find appealing or useful. These emails should be sent little and often so not to lose subscribers and engagement.
Transactional emails such as order confirmations that are sent to customers after purchasing a product or downloading a whitepaper. This will also contain all the details about the recent purchase for customer reference.
Re-engagement emails that are designed to put your business back in a customer's mind. These emails could be sent to inactive subscribers and include an incentive such as a discount that will bring them back to the site. This is a great way to gain valuable feedback from subscribers who are willing to tell you about their experience with your business.

Building a mailing list

There are many ways to capture user email addresses and build your mailing list. The most popular being an opt-in pop-up form that appears to users browsing on your site. This quick and convenient option makes it easy for users to share their contact information with you and get added to the mailing list

Whether your email communications will be promotional or informational, you can tell users what they can expect all on the pop-up form. If you are able to offer an incentive such as a discount code upon sign-up, this can be much more effective than just telling users they can sign up to receive messages from your business.

We can help you create an eye-catching and engaging pop up form for your site that includes all the information around your email marketing needed for a user to sign up to your mailing list.

An engaging opt-in pop-up form should include:

  • An attractive headline that details the benefit a user will get from signing up to your mailing list
  • A relevant description or tag line that is brief and likely to encourage users to sign up
  • Simple form fields to capture user data like their name and email address
  • A call to action subscribe button that clearly invites users to click right away