Pay Per Click Marketing

Pay Per Click Marketing

Get your brand off the ground with pay-per-click marketing and start showing relevant ads to your target audience straight away.

As part of our marketing services, paid search is a great starting point for building brand awareness and driving valuable traffic to your site. While a good SEO strategy is equally as important, paid search will allow you to increase your visibility in search results and see results in a much shorter time frame.

Whether you are a small company with a minimal budget, or a larger company in a competitive market, we will work with you to get a pay-per-click strategy in place that targets your audiences and keywords with budget and business goals in mind.

Unlike other digital advertising platforms, there is no minimum spending requirement for pay-per-click, so your budget can be based on the scale of your company and how valuable paid search conversions will be alongside other channels.

What are the different types of paid search?

When we discuss your paid search strategy, we will look at the different types available and which will be the most appropriate to your budget, goals and target audiences.

Search ads

This is the most traditional form of paid search and operates on a pay-per click basis through Google Ads. Here, we will create keyword rich ads that link to a relevant landing page on your site, which will then appear in search engine results pages above organic listings. These ads work on a bid system, meaning the higher you bid, the higher you are likely to appear in search results.

Display ads

With display ads, you can choose the creatives used and where they will appear on various sources on the Google Search Network. Typically, these will be shown in banner form in different size variations on sites including YouTube, online news outlets and Amazon.

Google shopping

Google Shopping ads use data from a shopping feed that is uploaded to Google Merchant Center. These ads appear in the shopping carousel on search results pages and in the shopping tab, where product image, title, price and star rating are shown.

Remarketing / retargeting

Remarketing involves displaying ads to users based on their history, this could be a user that has previously visited the site but not converted. Whether you are looking to increase brand awareness or drive more conversions, remarketing will allow you to target and bring users back to the site with tailored ads.

Social media ads

If your company uses social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you will be able to show “Promoted” and “Sponsored” content to users. These ads blend into a user’s news feed using a native element that feels familiar to users.

What are the benefits of paid search?

Increase brand awareness quickly

Paid search is a great way to get started when building your brand, with quick execution that can show results in a short amount of time. You will be able to instantly show relevant ads for keywords relevant to your target audience, encouraging them to click through and convert on your site.

Get ahead of your competitors

With spend in your hands, you have control over the amount you are willing to pay to appear on the first page of search results pages. Having the top position for your targeted keywords allows you to appear amongst your competitors, the more competitive the keyword, the more you will usually spend.

Keyword insights

Once your campaigns have had time to perform, you will be able to gain valuable insights into keyword performance and where cost can be increased or reduced. As well as more cost effective spending, you will be able to use search term reports to find new relevant keywords that weren’t originally included in your strategy

Pay for clicks only

The cost efficiency of paid search means that you only pay when a user clicks through on an ad, meaning no money is wasted on impressions and users that don’t actually engage with the ad. This way you know that users coming to the site are interested in your products or services and are likely to convert after seeing an ad that appeals to them.

Getting set up with pay-per-click marketing

If you are ready to start building brand awareness and driving targeted traffic to your site, our team will be able to take you from the early stages of keyword research to generating valuable and measurable conversions.

Keyword research

We will work with you to get a full list of relevant keywords together that can be used to target your ads and reach the most users that will be interested in your products or services. These keywords will then be used to create a campaign strategy that covers all product categories or services that you want to promote on paid search.

Google Ads account set up

If you don’t already have a Google Ads account for your business, we can create this for you and set up billing, user access and all the necessary tracking. Using Google Tag Manager we will be able to track and optimise clicks, conversions and user sources that will help us measure results going forward.

Creation of campaigns

Using the campaign strategy we will go ahead and create all campaigns and ad groups required, each containing the relevant keywords needed to accurately target users and bring them to areas of the site that will fulfill their search intent. At this stage we will apply budget and bid amounts that are appropriate to drive clicks and conversions cost efficiently.

Ongoing optimisation

Going forward we will carry out weekly reviews of pay-per-click across the chosen platforms to ensure budget is being applied where conversion is most likely and that keywords are performing the best they can. Our goal is to have your paid search in the most profitable position for your business goals and budget while showing growth and a strong presence on the first page of search results pages.