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Display Marketing

Display Marketing

Increase reach and let your customers learn more about your products or services with display marketing

If you are online regularly, you will have seen display advertising, sometimes without even realising. This method of “push” advertising, appears to users based on different targeting parameters such as keywords, demographic, geo-targeting and interests. There are many forms of display marketing ads, the most common and traditional being banners that can appear above or to the right of a site’s main content. Depending on your product or service and target audience, there are other types of display ads you might consider.

Product information is synced across your technology stack via a PIM that functions as a single hub for product content management, which connects it with your ecommerce platform, ERP, OMS, and other third-party integrations. With this approach, you are always working off the same, fully updated product information when expanding into new sales channels.

These include:

Interstitial ads
This type of display ad has grown in popularity along with the rise of mobile technology and is shown as a full-screen ad, covering the interface of an application. Interstitial ads will typically show at transition points that occur while a user engages with an app, such as a loading screen in a game.
Rich media
Although a little more complex, rich media ads include interactive elements such as video, audio and images that will likely engage users. This offers more ways to involve audiences and optimise the creative shown based on interaction rate.
Video Ads
Typically served through video content platforms like YouTube and Netflix, these ads allow you to reach and connect with audiences using video-based content. Video ads have proven to have high engagement rates on both handheld mobile and desktop devices.
As part of our pay-per-click marketing services we will be able to put a display strategy together that includes the most appropriate ad formats that will target the right audiences and maximise return whatever your budget size.
What are the differences

Between search and display ads?

Search ads

Search ads are one of the most popular forms of pay-per-click advertising and involve creating text based ads to show above organic search engine results when users search for your chosen keywords.

Search ads are made up of three components - A headline, display URL to your site and description, all of which will include targeted keywords. These ads also use an auction-based model which combined with bids, budget and quality score will affect the position the ad shows in.

We would recommend using search ads for the following scenarios:

  • Your budget is smaller and you want more control over reach, cost per click and the keywords used.
  • Your product or service typically has a short sales cycle, reducing the need to retarget customers who have previously purchased.
  • Your product or service is local and you are looking to cater to a nearby audience.
  • You want to boost traffic in a short period of time instead of relying on organic traffic alone.
  • You only want your ads to show for specific keywords and capture high-quality leads.

Display ads

Unlike search ads, display ads are not limited to only appearing on search results pages. Display ads can appear across the entire Google Display Network which covers over 2 million sites, therefore reaching a much larger audience.

We would recommend using display ads for the following scenarios:

  • You want to build on your current brand and capture users who are in the early stages of the marketing funnel.
  • You want to promote your products visually using images and video.
  • Your product or service has a longer sales cycle and you want to secure customer purchases using strategies such as retargeting.
  • You want to cater to a niche audience using interest-targeted ads on sites that potential customers are already spending time on.

As part of our pay-per-click marketing service, we will be able to discuss both search and display ads with you and put together a strategy that includes the most appropriate campaigns and ad formats that will target the right audiences and maximise return whatever your budget size.