
Official Remarkable Commerce Platform Partner

Salesfire Marketing System Integration

Since first launching in 2017, Salesfire has grown to provide a personalised on-site experience to over four million customers a day. From intuitive Overlays to AI-assisted site search, Salesfire underpins every touchpoint in the customer journey to replicate the experience of an in-store sales assistant, online. We empower retailers to create, deploy and manage a range of solutions designed to optimise conversion rates, re-engage lapsed customers and provide a genuinely relevant visitor experience. This has all been made possible through the work of our talented, driven and passionate team.


Marketing Systems

Key Features:

Maximise engagement

Maximise on-site engagement and improve conversion rates with a fast and accurate AI powered search.

Drive sales

Drive sales and reduce basket abandonment with targeted messaging based on customer behaviour

Inspire product interaction

Inspire product interaction and purchases with hyper personalised image search experiences powered by visual AI

Dynamic recommendations

Expose users to more of your product catalogue with dynamic recommendations displayed at the most influential moments.