With over 1 million customers worldwide, https://remarkable.net/client/woolovers/ understands the significance of using natural and renewable products to ensure their customers receive the highest quality in wools, cashmere and cottons. WoolOvers sell an extensive range of knitwear with over 160 styles in 180 different colours, both online and at their Factory Shop in West Sussex.
This versatile knitwear retailer has possibilities for every occasion, whether it’s a holiday, for work, daywear and outerwear, with nothing less than excellent quality in every stitch. With experience selling online for over 15 years, WoolOvers are veterans in selling knitwear on the web. Providing quality products and a hunger for serious International growth in the next few years.
Remarkable Commerce Woolovers Launch
Remarkable Commerce began re-launching WoolOvers online, closely followed by additional international websites for Russia, Australia, Europe and finally the primary brand site at Woolovers.com. Their new platforms used several technologies for the implementation, such as a Model View Controller (MVC) which helped speed up the development process and C# code, a programming language which is faster and more versatile. The new platforms also used a MSSQL Server; a relational database management process providing enhanced flexibility, security and scalability. Remarkable Commerce also refreshed the design of the site with a new responsive layout, enhancing the usability and customer experience for the brand.
Third-party currency translations were added to the site to ensure ease of use for customers globally through a WoolyTracks full API integration, offering options for international shipping. Other third-party companies that the team worked with throughout this project included Smart Focus for their Email the eMarketing. Smart Focus offers dynamic media and receives contextually relevant messages based on external data feeds. Affiliate Window for Public relations management and Qubit for On-site Tag implementations. A winning combination which has already begun to show fantastic results.
Quick Turnaround
With a fast turn-around to go live, the six new websites which have been migrated include UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Russia and Ireland – moved from the WoolOvers’ old platform seamlessly. The Remarkable Commerce platforms are efficient and flexible, allowing for fast and comprehensive amendments, with a new responsive layout improving the customer experience tremendously.
“It’s been fun working with the WoolOvers team to create a complete end-to-end solution and coming up with resolutions to existing problems to overall improve usability and site performance – we’re happy to see sales and traffic improvements for them already.” – Andrew, Team Leader at Remarkable Commerce for WoolOvers
Moving forwards, WoolOvers will continue working with Remarkable Commerce to further optimise the functionality into their bespoke admin system, and make regular updates to the customer-facing front-end.
Click here to visit the new https://www.woolovers.com/