19th July, 2023

M&Co re-launch with Remarkable Commerce Platform

By Gemma Nickerson

Once one of Scotland's biggest family-owned retailers began to see sales slump in recent years, caused mostly by the coronavirus pandemic. In early 2023, the M&Co brand name was acquired by AK Retail Holdings (the Yours Clothing group, which includes the brand’s Yours Clothing, Long Tall Sally, BadRhino and Pixie Girl) - which bought it out of administration.

With the store portfolio excluded from the acquisition and the existing stock and staff, the Yours Clothing group had the ambition to transform the brand into a successful online retailer and give their existing loyal customers a fresh collection of clothing to discover and purchase.

It was clear that the company needed to freshen up its digital offering - rebuilding from the ground up on an agile, stable and scalable platform that would make it easy to innovate the customer journey across desktop and mobile experiences.

The previous website/platform was operated by the previous owners and team, which was shut down and a holding page was created, whilst the new storefront was built. The biggest challenge was regarding the project timeline, and not wishing to keep customers waiting too long.

Remarkable Commerce were commissioned to create a new storefront for M&Co, using the existing frontend framework that the other Yours Clothing brands are based on. This accelerated approach allowed for the site to be developed and deployed within 10 weeks. The Remarkable Commerce team worked at speed to integrate the new brand into the Yours Clothing group architecture and data structure, proving the agility and strength of the platform.

In June 2023, the M&Co new website (https://www.mandco.com/) was launched using the Remarkable Commerce platform, which is also the platform provider to the other brands within the group. The new website will initially have a focus on womenswear with other items to be added shortly, and a new native mobile app also planned.

AK Retail Holding’s CEO, Andrew Killingsworth commented with:

“We have big plans for the brand, with an immediate focus on M&Co’s digital presence…”
“M&Co has enormous potential, and we are excited to bring our expertise and experience to the table… We want to ensure that M&Co continues to be a beloved and trusted brand for generations to come.”

Click here to read the full M&Co re-platforming success story.