Content & Copywriting

Content & Copywriting

Creating content for your website that increases your reach

Content is an essential part of marketing. People visit your site looking for information and if that information isn’t clear, the opportunity to convert them into a customer is reduced and they may even leave completely!

High quality, relevant content on your site will also give you more opportunity to show up in search engine results. We produce the content you need to fully optimise your website to help increase the reach of your business online.

We can simply audit your existing content, to highlight any issues or missing opportunities, or provide a full and effective content strategy designed to enhance your search visibility.

We will find topics that target your ideal client, using persuasive language and calls to action that will help visitors convert. This is written with your brand in mind to ensure a consistent tone of voice across all of your marketing campaigns.

Our content including website copy, blog posts and brand messaging is also written with engagement in mind including:

Keyword research
Content audit & gap analysis
Meta data rewrites
On-page optimisation
Website copywriting
Blog posts and more
Keyword research will ensure we are using the right keywords and phrases that your potential visitors actually search for. We also make sure to work with you to research specific business terminology so ensure we are covering all potential searches.
Updating your metadata will ensure each page is optimised and ready to go. The title tag and meta description are often the first thing people will ever see about your company online so saying the right thing here is important.
We analyse your site's current content to look for areas that are not covered. We will then research these gaps in the content and suggest articles that can fill those gaps.
On-page optimisation will take your existing content and optimise the page to make full use of additional search engine features such as featured snippets.
We work with you to write brand new content that is engaging and persuasive. This can be from a simple product description to a full blog post. New content will keep your website fresh with new, relevant content to help to build your brand.

How we write your new website content

We follow a simple 4 step plan that covers everything we have talked about so far.

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We work with you to find out about your business, services, products and goals. That way we have all the relevant information we need moving forward in the process.


We compile a comprehensive list of relevant keywords and keyphrases to ensure your content is optimised before it is even written.


Next we look at competitors' content to see what is working for them. We use this information on top of other research to find content gaps that can be filled with new content on your site.


Now we have a list of keywords and articles to target, we begin to write the content and not just optimise the copy, but format the article to help it appear in the search engine results page as a featured snippet.

Frequently-asked questions

Why is website content important?

Well written and correctly implemented content helps to improve the overall performance of your website. Without it, search listings will not know what your site is trying to say so they will not be able to put your pages in front of relevant potential customers. With this in mind, you need to ensure your content is written with customers in mind first and foremost but also caters to search engine optimisation.

How will SEO copywriting add value?

SEO Copywriting not only has to serve the site visitor, but must also contain keywords and keyphrases to help it rank for search terms your visitor will be searching for. Good copy can help to increase your online ranking within those search results.

A well researched article written with SEO in mind should rank well organically meaning you won’t have to spend on online advertising to gain visitors. It may also receive a featured snippet meaning your article will really stand out.

A featured snippet is often referred to as “Position #0” and is automatically catapulted up the rankings above the first organic listing. As they take up quite a bit of space, a featured listing often takes up most of the first page.

do's and don'ts

Here are some important details we keep in mind when writing copy for your website:

  • We use simple, easy to read language for the bulk of the article. However, we do include complex terms and insider jargon where required.
  • You can’t assume that everyone visiting your site knows these complex terms so you have to write with all levels of knowledge in mind.
  • The layout is broken down into short paragraphs to make the copy easier to read for visitors. These paragraphs are further broken down into sections each with its own heading to again, make the article easier to read.
  • We do NOT keyword stuff! This is the practice of putting the same keywords over and over onto a page where they do not fit into order to increase the relevance of that page. But in reality, all it does it make the article awkward, clunky and difficult to read.