Advanced Checkout Solutions

Advanced Checkout Solutions

Boost conversion rate with advanced checkout solutions and technology that gives your customers the confidence to purchase and avoid abandonment.

Improve conversion rates with custom basket & checkout flows

Your eCommerce store’s basket and checkout experience can swing a customer to decide whether or not they wish to convert and buy your product or service, and unfortunately they are often off-put by poor technical implementation and bad UX. So to ensure that your customers continue to feel confident up until the end of checkout, it is imperative that you follow best practices that focus on understanding your customer’s shopping journey and checkout preferences. The Remarkable Commerce platform checkout capabilities are highly optimised to ensure every sale is seamless and secure with our eCommerce checkout best practices.

Remarkable’s flexible checkout template allows for all clients to update their checkout in any way they wish to, this includes adding in additional steps/flows, adding payment gateways or payment types, changing fields and sequencing of steps, and even updating the styling and UX. This level of customisation enables retailers to ensure their checkout is highly optimised for their particular customers, and not need to abide by a rigid template.

What is a Custom Checkout?

It is incredibly important for your eCommerce storefront checkout to be as simple, efficient, and pain-free as possible, so that customers feel confident to complete their checkout. Referring to a recent report, 12% of customers abandon their checkout process due to over-complicated fields and flows.

Many retailers simply require a straightforward checkout and want to keep as ‘standard’ as possible, even opting for common checkouts like Shopify’s version (meaning the 2,150 Shopify Plus sites in the UK, all have almost identical checkouts). However, for businesses and retailers who are selling products with complex delivery dates, production timing, and various shipment or payment methods, a standard checkout isn’t going to cut it.

Custom checkouts also enable additional functionalities and features to be added with ease, and Remarkable are able to do so without any huge development headaches.

In essence and above all, all user engagement is based on the belief that technology should be simple to use. This is why potential customers bounce from your site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load, if they have to repeat a behaviour (like filling in a checkout field multiple times) or if your UX is outdated - if your website doesn’t offer them the easy experience they’re looking for, there are hundreds of other websites that will.

Then when a customer wishes to speak to the retailer, a customer-service representative can respond efficiently and with a templated approach. This ensures consistency between your staff and gives customers the very best responses.

Benefits of an Ecommerce CRM Solution

Looking to switch payment providers or add additional payment methods?

Remarkable Commerce has a huge array of payment and checkout solutions pre-integrated into the platform, available for a retailer to select from and have configured for their site. Commonly, eCommerce platforms have a ‘one-click’ integration for payment methods to be added, but the retailer is restricted to only have those listed available, and adding any additional methods is not easily achievable.

Although retailers are able to select any payment gateway, Remarkable Commerce recommend using Adyen as their primary PSP. This recommendation is based on Adyen’s commitment to superior service, fast support and sustainable commercials. They also offer payment options (i.e. BNPL solutions like Clearpay and popular payment methods like Apple Pay) to be enabled through their portal, not requiring separate agreements and integrations.

Key Question: PIM within ERP or Platform

Rule-Based Promotions Engine Functionality

Streamline Your Omnichannel Experience

For omnichannel retailers with any type of setup (bricks and mortar, multi-brand online or multi-experience), offering the same payment solution in-store allows for efficient reconciliation, single customer-view capability and efficient campaign/discount management.

Modern Headless Technology

Remarkable Commerce’s open APIs and data inflow and outflow make it easy to integrate into existing technology. With enterprise-level flexibility, you can integrate Remarkable into your current technology with ease.

Basket Persistence

If you sell the same products across multiple storefronts, even if they are different brands, your customers can benefit from being able to see the same basket contents across all sites.

Address verification service

Using Loqate, we offer a headless address lookup solution which verifies the customers delivery address and contact information - so you can be confident about sending to the correct location.

Trigger promotions on behaviour

Configure a promotion to trigger if set behaviour occurs, such as particular items being added to basket, or a particular amount of items being added to basket.

Offer pre-order and backorder options

If your stock is not yet available, but you wish to sell products which are due soon, you can assign an availability date but enable pre-order sales - allowing your customers to purchase items for you to fulfil in the future.

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