eCommerce Platform Comparison Guide

eCommerce Platform Comparison Guide

Know your facts when analysing and comparing key eCommerce platforms.

Key Differences
Remarkable logo
Magento logo
Shopify logo
Salesforce logo
Year founded & location1999 / UK2007 / USA2014 / USA2004 / USA
Commercial modelFixed monthly licence feeGMV / Commission shareGMV / Commission shareGMV / Commission share
Fully tailored to each retailer
Wider commerce technologies available
Choice of new functionality updates
Same-day updates & issue resolution
Custom-configured integrations with over 300 third parties

Pricing and commercials comparison

Remarkable Commerce
Shopify Plus
Magento/Adobe Commerce
Salesforce Commerce Cloud
Average Build Project Fee£80,000£100,000£150,000£200,000
Monthly Platform Licence£3,500 fixed fee£15,000 (2%)£25,000 (3%)£25,000 (3%)
Average Agency BAU Development£8,000 per month£6,000 per month£8,000 per month£10,000 per month
Estimated Monthly Hosting Fee£2,000Included£3,000Included
Three Year Cost of Ownership£566,000£856,000£1,446,000£1,532,000

Download resources

Whitepaper book

How to report on eCommerce performance

This guide will tell you what KPIs to include on your performance report and how to measure your eCommerce strategy.

Download now
Replatform whitepaper

A complete guide to eCommerce replatforming

How to drive growth by making the right move at the right time. This guide is designed to help you get it right, and realise commercial gains from replatforming, fast.

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Remarkable clients

Trusted by leading retailers