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Whitepaper: How to Report on eCommerce Performance

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The days of creating reports, searching Excel sheets, and cross-checking several dashboards are finished for forward-thinking, competitive e-commerce enterprises. Online merchants are using complex performance reporting tools to increase sales and extend their customer base. Performance reports combine data from your eCommerce platform, advertising sources, and analytics programmes to help you comprehend crucial company KPIs and increase profitability.

These reports not only show you the state of your company in real time, but they also highlight any patterns or warning signs that require your attention. The following important performance indicators, which every retailer needs to measure, comprehend, and act upon, are revealed through performance reporting.

This guide will support you and your team to effectively report on your eCommerce store(s) performance, which metrics to focus on and top tips for driving growth using data-led decisions.


Part 1: What is eCommerce performance reporting?

Part 2: How to streamline updating your reports

Part 3: Secret KPIs that will add value to your reporting

Appendix: Client case studies, platform side-by-side comparison, Additional resources

How to Report on eCommerce Performance - Whitepaper
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