Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing Campaigns

Get a second chance at making a first impression on your customers with remarketing campaigns

Many users visit a site without completing an action that is valuable to a business, which is where remarketing can help, using tracking code and cookies to re-engage them and bring them back to the site. This could include reminding previous visitors to complete an action they started on your site or providing them with more information needed to make a purchase. These targeted users have previously shown an interest in your product or service, meaning they are more likely to convert compared to those who have not yet visited your site .

Remarketing ads can show on what is known as the Google Display Network which is made up of over 2 million sites. This includes popular, heavily trafficked sites such as YouTube, online news outlets and Gmail, all of which receive a lot of traffic. Typically your remarketing ads will be shown as banners with a chosen creative, but platforms such as Google Ads will allow you to create ads consisting of static and animated images, video, responsive ads and text ads.

As part of our pay-per-click services, we can help you get started with remarketing and use it as a powerful component of your PPC campaigns. Using our experience with tracking codes and tagging, we can assist the creation of your ads and re-spark the interest of your users with ads that capture their attention on a personal level.

Ways you can use remarketing campaigns

The main difference between remarketing and standard search or display advertising is the way the ads are targeted. There are many different ways you can retarget your users, with various tracking codes that can be placed on browsers based on their behaviour and previous interaction with your site.

You might want to show remarketing ads based on:

  • Certain pages of your checkout that are valuable to conversion
  • Product pages visited by users
  • Valuable pages in your checkout process that were not visited such as “thank-you” or “confirmation”
  • Time users spend on your site
  • Demographic and geographic data of users
  • The number of pages visited by users

Retargeting vs remarketing

There is often a lot of confusion around retargeting and remarketing and their differences, with the terms being used interchangeably. Although they have similar goals and strategies, the type of audience targeted and their position in the customer journey is different.


Retargeting is focused on reaching out to users who are not yet customers of your business and move them down the purchase path. With retargeting you are able to reach out to them via third parties using online ad placement or display ads on websites your potential customers use.

Using tracking code, you are able to show personalised ads to different user segments. The ads will follow them around sites within the Google Display Network and put your business back into their minds.


The goal of remarketing is to re-engage your customers and remind them of your brand, reaching out to them via email. Unlike retargeting, to run a remarketing campaign you will need your visitor’s email addresses. This is the original channel for remarketing.

These emails can be targeted at current or old customers that have become inactive and can include specific messaging that will persuade them to come back to the site. For example, a user visits your site and abandons their shopping cart; you will be able to send them an email to re-engage them and remind them to complete their purchase.

What are the benefits of remarketing campaigns?

If you are already considering remarketing campaigns as part of your paid search strategy, we will be able to take you over the benefits it can have for your business as well as the cost to factor into your budget.

Some benefits of remarketing:

  • You will be showing ads to the most relevant audiences
  • Cart abandonment will be reduced as you will be bringing users back to complete their purchase
  • You will be able to keep your brand at the forefront of user’s minds
  • Your return on investment will be higher because you will be reaching the perfect audience
  • You will be able to stay connected with your audience. With the addition of personalisation, loyalty will be built between your brand and the customer